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Everyone enjoys a good meal. But when you land on someone else's menu, you better hope they play with their food!
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Survival of the Funnest!

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Play with your Food

By David G. Derrick, Jr.

$15.95, hardcover, 36 Pages,
ISBN: 978-1-59702-102-9, 9.5 x 10

"Excellent work! It says a lot about your artistry to be able to maintain paleontological integrity with design, and still give the creatures a very visible human touch."
- Jason, reader

The Permian Period was millions of years before the age of the dinosaurs...but it was still a eat-or-be-eaten world! A tiny gecko-like lizard confronts this once it lands on the menu of much larger, and oh so hungry, dimetrodon.

Refusing to accept its fate lying down, the lizard dares to counter generations of hallowed wisdom. It advises the big predator that it's better to play with your food than to eat it. When the carnivore balks, the lizard simply won't take no for an answer!

big Coming September 2014. Pre-order your autographed copy
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More praise

eating "The illustrations depict a lush and verdant landscape, with reptiles of blue, red, and purple populating the scenes. A Permian Field Guide sketched on the endpapers invites readers to seek out different animals throughout the pages of the book... independent early grade readers will get a kick out of both the story and the glimpse at life before the dinosaurs."
- School Library Journal

"If you are looking for a new author to explore in the wake of Read Across America Day, look no further than the wild world of David Derrick...I have always been a big advocate of zoos and aquariums for putting people into direct contact with animals that they need to see, understand, and appreciate in order to protect. Derrick manages to accomplish that in stories that leap off the page. These are definitely worth exploring with your budding young adventurers."
- Geek Mom

"Play with Your Food will appeal to not only young dinosaur fans, but it's also sure to get any child who has been told not to play with your food giggling out loud. The story is simple and funny, and just long enough to keep the attention of even the younger readers. There's plenty of room for a child's imagination to roam in between the lines, especially if they take their time to explore the illustrated pages."
- Just a Little Creativity

Teaser Trailer


little "a lizard-like reptile humorously engages a huge Dimetrodon in a series of silly games to distract the creature from devouring it...dinosaur fans will enjoy extending their interests to this earlier prehistoric era."
- Horn Book Guide

"Recommended: Young children will enjoy the prey's trickery and resourcefulness as he outsmarts his predator at every turn. Spare language is augmented by richly animated illustrations which move the story along and drive its pacing...Adult readers and children alike will enjoy finding these animals hidden in the illustrations as the story progresses."
- Library Media Connection

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Press Release

Leveled Reading

Lexile Level: 80L
Lexile Code: AD "adult directed"
Fountas & Pinnel (F&P GRL): N
GLE (Grade Level): 3
Interest Level: 1-5
Reading Recovery Level (RRL):