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The Spotlight

August 2013 - Immedium

1. News
2. Reviews
3. Events


A. Are you the Scariest Thing in the Jungle?
We hope you've enjoyed your summer vacation, as we gear up to go back to school this month - can you believe it?

To cushion the transition, we have 2 new fantastic storybooks in September for your reading pleasure.

David Derrick authors his third adventure that features animals with kid-appeal. As the old song goes, they've got "charm and personality."

I'm the Scariest Thing in the Jungle!

In the Indian wilderness, a Bengal tiger cub and baby crocodile joust over who truly is the king of beasts.

Being so scary was never this much fun!

Dave's previous tales were Sid the Squid and the Search for the Perfect Job and Animals Don't, So I Won't!

B. This Girl is Catching Fire!
Also debuting next month is our long-awaited sequel to Julie Black Belt: The Kung Fu Chronicles.

Julie has proven to be an inspirational role model as martial arts' popularity continues to rise.

Julie Black Belt: The Belt of Fire

Dynamically illustrated again by Charlene Chua, our heroine Julie aims for her next belt - orange! But what will she do when a new kid in class may be better than her? She faces a challenge to learn and grow...

"As society progresses away from gender stereotypes, it is nice to see children's literature doing the same. Growing up in the '90s, I spent my childhood wondering why all the heroes were male and females characters who needed saving. Julie Black Belt is a shining example of how things have changed for the better." - Sampan

Oliver Chin is glad that Julie is back in black!

C. New Immedium Catalog
In the meantime, we've printed our first book catalog!

It will introduce our dozens of books to thousands of elementary school teachers and librarians nationwide, who will share them with their students. Each page showcases the breadth and depth of our storytelling, with a tale for every child's imagination.

Designed by one of our favorite graphic artists Stefanie Liang, the catalog has been 8 years in the making :)

Download the Adobe Acrobat PDF to view at your convenience.

Share it with your friends, family, and colleagues!

You can redeem special offers from the catalog when shopping online at www.immedium.com. Remember to type the 4 digit offer code in the "comments" field when you checkout from our PayPal shopping cart. Then we'll credit your purchase afterward.


Justin Time:
The Big Pet Story

By Brandon James Scott

"The creator of the PBS animated show Justin Time offers another print rendition of a series episode. As in The Pancake Express, Scott uses large-scale cartoons and slapstick to illustrate his lesson. Justin wants to own the largest possible pet, so he travels to India to adopt Tiny, a pink elephant."
- School Library Journal

The Octonauts
By Meomi

Our Octonauts books are on sale at more aquariums nationwide, such as in Georgia, Seattle, Mystic (Connecticut), Shedd (Chicago), Texas, Florida, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore (Maryland).

Meomi had a jolly good time visiting the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA on July 21st to celebrate Explorers Day.

The day's theme was appropriate, since the Octonauts are intrepid explorers of both the ocean and fun!

Meomi autographed our original Octonauts book series for fans, and even brought along a special guest for the occasion.



  • 8/3: Oliver Chin: Comic Book Workshop: Saratoga Library, 13650 Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga, CA.

  • 8/8: Oliver Chin: Comic Book Workshop: Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA, 2 pm.


  • 8/30-9/1: Oliver Chin: Chinese Heritage Camp: Colorado.

  • 9/14-15: San Francisco Dragon Boat Festival, Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA.

  • ---

    Back to hitting the books!

    P.O. Box 31846
    San Francisco, CA 94131

    Immedium, Inc. inspires a world of imagination, and creates entertaining books that have multi-dimensional appeal. Based in San Francisco, CA, Immedium sits on the Pacific Rim, a vibrant intersection for crossover cultural trends from Asia and America. Embracing an increasingly diverse and "multimedia" world, Immedium publishes titles ranging from eye-catching children's books and contemporary non-fiction to commentaries on art and popular culture. Visit us at www.immedium.com.

    Press Releases

  • Year of the Dragon
  • Sora and the Cloud
  • You Might be a Monster
  • Billie the Unicorn
  • Year of the Rabbit
  • Space Cadet Topo
  • Sid the Squid
  • Year of the Tiger
  • Octonauts & Ghost Reef
  • Baltazar & Pirates
  • Year of the Ox
  • Octonauts & Frown Fish
  • Welcome to Monster Isle
  • Woollyhoodwinks
  • Year of the Rat
  • Octonauts & Sea of Shade
  • Julie Black Belt
  • Timmy & Tammy's Train
  • The Year of the Pig
  • The Octonauts
  • Desert to Dream
  • The Year of the Dog
  • Robot Stories
  • WonderBaby

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