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The Spotlight
August 2007 - Immedium

1. News
2. Reviews
3. Events


A. Train lovers gather steam behind Timmy & Tammy
More readers are learning about Timmy & Tammy's Train of Thought and climbing aboard.

CalTrain is the San Francisco Bay area's commuter rail service which carries a million riders per month. Impressed by artist Heath McPherson's version of their "Baby Bullet" train, Caltrain requested its own copy of that spread to frame and display in their boardroom. Then they featured the book in their Summer 2007 newsletter: "The type of train changes from page to page, as does the time of day and the scenery, for a ride untethered by dull reality."

Meanwhile the Canadian Railway Modeller magazine gave a hearty endorsement in its April/May 2007 issue: "the future of our great hobby may be hidden in the pages of books like this...The book is extremely well illustrated, with interesting and detailed scenes that will capture the attention of both child and parent alike."

Catch upcoming author signings and readings, such as at the Golden Gate Live Steamers in Tilden Park in Berkeley, CA on Sunday, August 5th.

B. One month to Burn
For the adventurous heat-lovers among us, get ready to pack your bags, suntan, and water (5 gallons per day) for your annual vacation to the summer wonderland known as Black Rock City.

And be sure to get your indispensable guidebook well ahead of time: Desert to Dream: A Decade of Burning Man. Lavishly illustrated in color, this keepsake is the next best thing to being there. Surveying the terrain of both earth and people, captured in these timeless photos, will be the best preparation you can buy for your trip of a lifetime.

Author Barbara Traub recently shared stories and her searing images with the July issue of The Digital Journalist.

C. Fall 2007 Previews
Coming in September is the debut of our new heroine Julie Black Belt. In a world where everyone is kung-fu fighting, this gal is as fast as lightning!

As kids go back to school, they'll enjoy "hitting" the books with a student with spunk to spare! Check out Julie and her movie idol Brandy Wu at www.julieblackbelt.com.

The Boutique Café reports that:
"Immedium has created yet another children's book with a story and graphics sure to entertain readers of all ages... But before wrapping up this review I will share with you my favorite line from Julie Black Belt. It's definitely a keeper, especially if you have a little one enrolled in a martial arts class: 'A black belt is just a white belt that doesn't quit.'"


In October, the next Octonauts tale The Sea of Shade will dock at port. Fans across the seven seas have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of another wonderfully illustrated adventure, featuring eight of the cutest characters known to man or critter.

As the books take an ocean voyage to get here (naturally), we've been busy compiling a stellar list of Octo-riffic readings up and down the West Coast.

Here is the third "free monthly preview" seascape created by Meomi.

Timmy and Tammy's Train of Thought
(ISBN: 1-59702-008-7, $15.95)

"This is the type of children's book that any parent or grandparent will be happy to share with a youngster. The future of our hobby is with the young; children's books like this will only help the cause. It clearly shows the romance of rails everywhere."
- Canadian Railway Modeller


The Octonauts
(ISBN: 1-59702-005-2, $15.95)

"Both you and your children will fall in love with these cute and quirky characters as they go on their worldly adventures. Story time has never been so stylish!"
- Fooey's Fave's


- 8/5: Oliver Chin: TTT Golden Gate Live Steamers, Tilden Park, Berkeley, CA, noon.
- 8/9: Oliver Chin: TTT: San Lorenzo Library, 395 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo, CA, 510-670-6283, 2 pm.
- 8/25: Oliver Chin: TTT: West Portal Public Library, San Francisco, CA 10:30 am.


- 9/9: Oliver Chin: TTT Golden Gate Live Steamers - Fall Open House, Tilden Park, Berkeley, CA, noon.
- 9/11: Oliver Chin: Comics Workshop: San Mateo Public Library1100 Park Place, CA, 4:00 pm.
- 9/15: Oliver Chin: JBB: Foster City Public Library 1000 E. Hillsdale Blvd, CA, 10:30 am.
- 9/19: Oliver Chin: JBB: Oakley Library, 1050 Neroly Road, CA, 925-625-2400, 4 pm.
- 9/22-23: Immedium: San Francisco Dragon Boat Festival: Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA
- 9/25: Oliver Chin: JBB: Books, Inc. - Laurel Village, San Francisco, CA, 7 pm.
- 9/29: Charlene Chua: JBB: Toronto Public Library Wychwood branch, Ontario, Canada, 10 am.
- 9/29: Oliver Chin: JBB: Books, Inc., 1344 Park Street, Alameda, CA, 510-522-2226, 11 am.


"In August and Everything After, I'm after everything."
- The Counting Crows

P.O. Box 31846
San Francisco, CA 94131

Immedium, Inc. inspires a world of imagination, and creates entertaining books that have multi-dimensional appeal. Based in San Francisco, CA, Immedium sits on the Pacific Rim, a vibrant intersection for crossover cultural trends from Asia and America. Embracing an increasingly diverse and "multimedia" world, Immedium publishes titles ranging from eye-catching children's books and contemporary non-fiction to commentaries on art and popular culture. Visit us at www.immedium.com.

Newsletter Archive

Press Releases

Julie Black Belt
Timmy & Tammy's Train
The Year of the Pig
The Octonauts
Desert to Dream
The Year of the Dog
Robot Stories

Comic Book Commentary

Monthly columns by Oliver Chin

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