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Serena Valentino

Serena Valentino writes fiction that blends fantasy, humor, and the supernatural.

She created the Slave Labor comic book series GloomCookie and Nightmares & Fairy Tales.

She wrote the Candlewick young adult guides How to be a Zombie and How to be a Werewolf.

For Disney Press, she has written the novels Fairest of All: The Story of the Wicked Queen and upcoming The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince. She lives in San Francisco, CA.

Visit Serena's website at www.serenavalentino..com.

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Praise for Gloom Cookie:

"Just the sort of thing I like - elegant, melodramatic and dire. Thank you for darkening my door and darkening my day."
- Lemony Snicket, author of A Series of Unfortunate Events

"Funny, sweet and human. Lovely and a nice surprise."
- Neil Gaiman, author of Coraline

"It smacks of experience and heartfelt feelings. A smashing debut..."
- Darick Roberston, co-creator/illustrator, Transmetropolitan

Praise for How to be a Zombie:

"Quick Pick List for Reluctant Young Readers"
- American Library Association 2011.

"Using the tone of a self-help manual, this impressively designed book offers a guide to getting the most out of the zombie lifestyle-whether you're an undead yourself or just a fan...Broken down in easy-to-digest chunks, the tips leave no gravestone unturned... More impressive, actually, is the book's nonfiction component, which offers up well-researched lists of movies, books, music, comics, board games, video games, and events for zombie fanatics...The grungy and bloody layout, which incorporates movie stills but is mostly original photography and digital collage, gives a first-rate sheen to an overall to-die-for package."
- ALA Booklist


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